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Conference Kids Club




                            The best way to have fun at a conference.


The 'Life. Be in it.' Kids Club was established to meet the growing needs of conference group organisers who see families as an integral part of the total conference design.  ?Life. Be in it.? has, through over 30 years of providing activities for children, developed an exciting and fun program for children of ages 4 years and above.  Activities can range from simple arts and crafts ?in-house? to excursions to places of interest.  All with the knowledge that the children are being well cared for by our well trained, confident and reliable staff.


With costs at around $80.00* per child per day it makes it a very affordable option for families to come to conferences. *(Costs will vary based on children numbers (min. of 10), activities undertaken and ages of children involved).


As every conference is different, we at 'Life. Be in it.' strive  to ensure that the program we develop for the children is relevant to the season and their age group. We work alongside the conference organisers to ensure there is no duplication of activities.

We try at all times to try and keep the needs of the children first and foremost and work on the simple philosophy of 'We take our fun seriously'.


If you would like 'Life. Be in it.' to be a part of your next conference you can contact us on ?phone 03) 6229 5600, fax  (03) 6229 5800 or email info@tas.lifebeinit.org  




'Life. Be in it.'  Tasmania
Helping to manage and maintain the 'Life. Be in it'. message.



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All artwork copyright © 1975-2007 Alex Stitt unless otherwise specified.
Copyright © Recreation Australia Limited 1998-2007
Licensed to Life. Be in it.™ International Pty. Ltd.
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